Violet Evergarden: Whats the Meaning of Love?

Violet Evergarden goes on an emotional journey to discover the meaning of love. As an orphaned former child soldier, Violet has never experienced love and struggles to understand human emotions.

You’ve just finished watching Violet Evergarden and your heart feels full yet aching at the same time. The story of a young girl trying to understand herself and the world around her after a life of being treated as a weapon of war resonates deeply. More specifically, Violet’s journey to grasp the meaning of love and human connection strikes a chord. What exactly is love? How does it manifest in our lives and relationships? These are questions as old as time that the show poignantly explores.

Over the course of 13 episodes, we witness Violet stumble, struggle, and ultimately grow in her capacity to understand love in all its beauty and complexity. Her evolution gives us hope that we too can better comprehend and cultivate more love in our own lives. So take a deep breath, grab a cup of tea, and let’s dive in together to unpack the meaning of love according to Violet Evergarden.

Violet Evergarden’s Journey to Find the Meaning of Love

Violet Evergarden goes on an emotional journey to discover the meaning of love. As an orphaned former child soldier, Violet has never experienced love and struggles to understand human emotions.

When Violet takes a job as an Auto Memory Doll, writing letters for others, she gets a glimpse into the lives and relationships of her clients. Through her work, Violet sees that love comes in many forms.

  • Romantic love between two people who care deeply for each other.
  • Familial love between parents and children or siblings.
  • Love for friends who support each other.

At first, Violet can only mimic the words and phrases of love she hears from her clients. But with each new encounter, Violet’s understanding blossoms. She realizes that love is complex yet profoundly meaningful.

Violet’s most poignant revelation comes when she writes a letter for a dying soldier to his young daughter. Violet sees how powerful the love between parent and child can be. She recognizes the anguish of loss and realizes love’s beauty lies in the moments shared.

By the end of her journey, Violet understands that love cannot be distilled into a single definition. Love is personal and layered, tying us all together in a web of human connection. For Violet, love becomes real through empathy, memory, and the bonds we form with those most important to us.

Violet’s quest to comprehend love mirrors our own lifelong journey to find meaning in relationships. Like Violet, we come to know love through experience, heartbreak, and moments of profound joy with the people who shape our lives.

The Many Faces of Love in Violet Evergarden

Violet Evergarden explores many kinds of love through Violet’s growth and the relationships she observes in her work as an Auto Memories Doll.

Romantic love is shown through Violet’s evolving feelings for her former commander, Gilbert, as she comes to understand the depth of her affection for him. Familial love is portrayed through Violet’s relationships with the Evergarden family, who take her in and care for her after the war.

Platonic love emerges in Violet’s friendships, especially with her fellow Doll, Erica. Erica accepts Violet for who she is and supports her personal growth. The two share a close bond that enriches both their lives.

Unrequited love comes through in many of the letters Violet writes for her clients. She witnesses heartbreak and longing but also the quiet resilience of the human spirit.

Forbidden love appears in a story between a noblewoman and a commoner. Despite societal obstacles, their devotion to each other ultimately triumphs.

The love of community and country are shown in a request from a man writing a letter to his fellow veterans, thanking them for their sacrifice. Violet is deeply moved by his eloquent expression of shared purpose and brotherhood.

In all its many forms, love gives life meaning and propels human connection. Violet Evergarden poignantly reminds us that in the end, love is what matters most. Through love, we understand ourselves and each other.

Sacrificial Love: Violet and Gilbert

Violet and Gilbert have a complex relationship that evolves throughout the series. At first, Violet sees Gilbert as her commander, the person who gave her orders as a soldier. But over time, she comes to realize Gilbert cares for her deeply. His love and sacrifice shape her understanding of love.

When Violet loses her arms in battle, Gilbert blames himself for allowing her to fight. He arranges for Violet to receive advanced prosthetic arms, giving her a chance at a normal life. This selfless act shows Violet how much he cares, though she doesn’t fully comprehend it yet.

After the war, Gilbert tells Violet he wants her to stop fighting and live freely. He says he will always be on her side. Sadly, Gilbert dies in an accident shortly after. Violet is heartbroken, not realizing until then how much she loved and depended on him.

Gilbert’s death teaches Violet about loss and sacrificial love. He gave his life to protect her and ensure her happiness. Though gone, his memory lives on, inspiring Violet to help others find love and closure through her letter writing. She honors Gilbert’s sacrifice by using the gift of her prosthetic arms and new life to spread love and hope to those still living.

The love between Violet and Gilbert, though cut short, shapes Violet’s journey to understand love in all its forms. Gilbert saw Violet’s humanity beneath her soldier role. His unconditional care and sacrifice opened her heart, giving her the chance to embrace life and find purpose bringing love and comfort to others. Though Violet loses Gilbert, his memory lives on through the lives she touches using the gifts he gave her. Their poignant story shows how even a brief love can create ripples that spread endlessly.

Familial Love: Violet and the Evergarden Family

Violet Evergarden was raised by Gilbert Bougainvillea, a soldier who found her on a battlefield as a child with no memories of her past. Gilbert essentially adopted Violet and cared for her, teaching her how to speak, read and write. Their relationship was more like father and daughter, with Gilbert being the only family Violet knew.

When the war ended, Violet had to say goodbye to Gilbert, the only family she’d ever known. Though Gilbert’s parents legally adopted Violet to carry on the Evergarden name, she struggled to connect with them. Her time with Gilbert shaped who she became, and losing him left a void no one could fill.

Violet’s new family cared for her needs but didn’t understand her like Gilbert did. She had trouble expressing emotion and connecting with others. Violet’s reserved nature made building relationships difficult, even with her adoptive parents. Their lavish lifestyle contrasted with the simple life she shared with Gilbert during the war. Violet felt like an outsider in her own home.

Though Violet’s relationship with her new family was strained, they still loved and supported her. When she decided to become an Auto Memoir Doll to understand love and connection, they allowed her the freedom to find her own path. Violet’s quest for purpose eventually helped her value the love and kindness her new family had shown her all along.

While no one could replace Gilbert, Violet’s adoptive family gave her a place to call home. Their love and patience helped Violet open her heart again. By the end of her journey, Violet recognized that love comes in many forms. Her new family had been there for her, even when she struggled to be there in return. Violet’s ability to embrace them as her own family showed how much she’d grown.

Violet Evergarden highlights how love can be found in unexpected places. Though Violet lost her first “family,” she gained another that loved her just as dearly. Her moving story reminds us that family is who you choose to share your life with. Love is ultimately about the connections we form along the way.

Romantic Love: Violet and Major Gilbert

Violet Evergarden is a story about love in many forms, including romantic love between two characters: Violet and Major Gilbert.

As an orphaned child soldier, Violet has never known love. Major Gilbert is the first person to show her kindness and compassion. He cares for her, gives her a name, and teaches her to read and write. Over time, Violet develops deep feelings for the Major. Though she doesn’t fully understand them, she knows she wants to stay by his side.

When the war ends and Violet is given her freedom, the Major encourages her to forge her own path. Though it’s difficult, Violet leaves to become an Auto Memory Doll, writing letters to help others convey their feelings. She hopes that in doing so, she can better understand her own heart.

Violet holds onto the Major’s words and keeps writing to him, though she receives no response. She struggles with the pain of their separation and longs for the day they might reunite. The Major gave Violet her name, her purpose, and her first glimpse of love. He shaped her world, and without him, she feels lost.

Though Violet continues to mature and gain wisdom through her work, she cannot let go of her feelings for the Major. His memory lives on in her heart as her reason for becoming an Auto Memory Doll. She writes letter after letter, hoping that one day, they might reach him.

Violet Evergarden is a poignant story of love, loss, and learning to love again. Though Violet and Major Gilbert’s story ends in tragedy, the love they shared lives on forever in Violet’s memory. Their tender, heartfelt connection proves that love comes in many forms, and even the deepest of sorrows cannot erase its lasting impression on the soul.


So what have we learned from Violet Evergarden’s journey to understand love? Through her experiences ghostwriting letters for others, she discovers that love comes in many forms. For some, its a passionate romance. For others, its the profound connection between family or friends. But at its core, real love is about understanding, empathy, and caring for another person unconditionally. Violet learns that love is patient and kind. It protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres. And while love may seem an abstract concept, its ultimately shown through our actions and the meaningful relationships in our lives. Though her quest began with a desire to grasp what ‘I love you’ really meant, Violet comes to realize that love is deeply personal for each individual. But if we approach it with an open heart and mind, we open ourselves to life’s most beautiful moments and connections. Love gives life meaning, so follow Violet’s lead and don’t be afraid to open yourself up to experiencing all its forms. You never know the impact such a simple act may have on yourself and others.


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